about Co-ANON


Co-Anon Family Groups is a fellowship of men and women who are husbands, wives, parents, relatives, or close friends of someone who is addicted to cocaine and other mind-altering substances.  If you are seeking a solution to the problems that come from living with a practicing or recovering cocaine addict, we at Co-Anon are here to help you.

We are relatives and friends who share a common bond: we feel our lives have been deeply affected by another person’s cocaine addiction.  We meet regularly to share our experience, Strength and hope.  By practicing the Twelve Steps of Recovery ourselves, we learn to cope with our difficulties and find a more serene approach

The Co-Anon Family Groups Program, which is not a religious one, but a spiritual way of life, is based on the Twelve Steps and the Twelve Traditions of Cocaine Anonymous.  The Steps are the heart of Co-Anon Family Groups; the Traditions are the backbone.  Together, they provide us with a guideline for personal growth, group harmony and spiritual enlightenment.  By applying the Principles of the Steps in our daily lives, we can improve our feelings about ourselves, change our attitudes and learn to deal with any situation in a positive way.

Cocaine addiction is a “family disease.” It affects the cocaine addict and it affects the people in a relationship with the cocaine addict.  Close friends and family members react to the addict’s behavior and get caught up in the feelings such as hurt, fear, anger, resentment and guilt.  Co-Anon Family Groups help to relieve these feelings, provides Recovery, and offers tools for our own personal growth and spiritual enlightenment.

In sharing our experience, hope and strength with one another, we keep the focus on ourselves and the Co-Anon Family Group Tools of Recovery.  We talk about how the disease of cocaine addiction has affected our thinking and our behavior. We see the part that we have played in our problems, and how we can apply the Principles of the Twelve Steps to improve our behavior and our attitudes.  We sometimes base our group discussion on a Step, Tradition, or slogan from Co-Anon Family Groups to improve our understanding of the program and foster spiritual growth.

We all do, but it is suggested that in order for things to run smoothly, we elect group officers to serve for short periods of time, usually six months to a year.  We all volunteer to help serve refreshments and clean up.

No.  It is a spiritual one where we try to accept the idea that we are dependent upon a power greater than ourselves for help in solving our problems and achieving peace of mind.  Members are free to maintain their own spiritual beliefs or none at all, but we make it a point to avoid discussions in terms of any specific faith.

We have no dues or fees. Most groups do pass a basket and we give what we can afford on a voluntary basis. We are self-supporting through these contributions which are used for paying rent for a meeting place, buying literature for the group, and refreshments.

     We have found it helpful to go to as many meetings as possible, to listen and talk to others before and after meetings.  Exchange phone numbers with a willing member with whom you can confidentially share your problems, and use the Co-Anon Family Groups telephone list whenever you are in difficulty or just need to talk.  Between meetings you can read Co-Anon Family Groups and other conference approved literature.

After a while, you may wish to ask a longtime member to be your sponsor– a special friend with whom you can continue sharing your personal feelings and ask for guidance in working the Twelve Steps. 

We offer you our friendship and our understanding.  Please keep coming back.