The Co-Anon Family Groups have but one purpose – to carry the message of hope and personal recovery to family members and friends of someone who is addicted to cocaine and all other mind-altering substances. We do this by practicing the Twelve Steps of Cocaine Anonymous ourselves, by understanding addiction and by welcoming and giving comfort to the family and friends of addicts, whether the addict is using or not. It is through this fellowship that we lessen our emotional despair by sharing our experience, strength and hope with others.

7th Tradition Donation
"We are fully self supporting declining outside contributions"
Your 7th Tradition contribution will help to continue the support to groups around the world. With literature, shipping costs, world convention fund raising, you can also support your local groups at the local level when you attend your meeting. It provides for meeting location rent, online costs, babysitting, literature, etc.
Thank you for your continued support of the families affected by this disease.
Thank you for your donation!
In the spirit of Tradition Six, Co-Anon Family Groups is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution.